Posted in LOVE

^MALE Call..Its About High^ Time..

**Ask ANY single, eligible woman about her “LIST” and without even asking you to specify “what list”..Off she’ll go with giving you an INdepth description of what she longs for in a significant other. I believe it’s a list that begins to form in a woman’s mind from the time of little girlhood. (a Berna’ism so don’t look for that phrase in any dictionary) The List comes into existence all on its OWN. Compiled from the onset starting with HOW a little girl feels about her very own Father/Daddy/Pops/Dad/Pa..Add to that her life experiences & lessons learned in her love relationships. Here I go are y’all ready for this? I stay ready and I’m more than ready for my The One to discover me. Here is my new-revised-and-improved-“List”. –All I Want in a Man IS..–>>

#1..My “new” #1 has risen UP the list..It used-2-be far down in my ranking. My old #1 ‘was has to be highly attractive/fit’. Now? MUST BE A BELIEVER.. I’ve come to learn this is something I won’t compromise..Not only that there is really nothing to add to this . It’s a must for me. Exclamation mark. Period.

#2..COMMUNICATION skills. I’m a talker..I will without a shadow of a doubt tell/express to my future man what I need, what I desire, what I dream, what I think I want; everything and all things Bernadette. I am NOT yet good enough to read minds; nor do I have a desire to. That takes far too much work! I require & desire a man who can put more than 2 sentences together to express his thoughts/his dreams/his needs/his goals/his wants. Sidebar: His WORD must be bond. So I’m attaching trust-worthy onto this topic. I WILL believe what you say is true..So my future man must be reliable & stand by his word. He’ll say what he means & mean what he says. He’ll DO what he says he’s going to do. Or have a pretty dang good reason for not being able to do it. Or set a later date for being able to do so.

#3..MUST be a good Father. I have issues with a man not being a good Father. Simply can’t respect an absentee Father. I make NO excuse for feeling this way..and it goes far back into my past. Least 30 years & counting! IF you’re not MAN enough to have supported your own seed, financially & emotionally, then you’re not the MAN for me. Enough said. (truth be told this is another long topic for another time..) Oh! Exclamation point. Period.

#4 ALPHA characteristics..This has moved down the list but it’s still highly important to me in my significant other. My male counterpart. I’ve come to learn its a MUST. I have a higher level of respect for a man, as my man, that holds these qualities. I’ve a STRONG solid personality; and that’s the #1 reason I require this quality in my mate. As luck would have it; it’s also the type of brother I’m also very attracted to..

#5 Nice looking/fit/health conscious..Moved this down my list a bit..NOT because I don’t dig a brother that is good-looking; but because the aforementioned qualities matter more. Physical attraction does matter..Just isn’t my #1 anymore. As I’ve evolved. Hand in hand with this quality I’m piggy backing ..Personable/Sociable. I’m very much a people-loving-social-butterfly..Put me in a room of folks I don’t know; and minutes later I’ll be chatting with someone. Doesn’t matter the arena nor platform..So only makes sense I’d be attracted to someone with this quality. And I am.

#6 DRAMAless as humanly possible.. I don’t bring it/I don’t welcome it/I don’t need it in my life. Period. I come in peace/I welcome peace/I’ve no patience(nor time) for anything nor anybody who keeps drama floating around them or starts it. Period

#7 Good Heart! Highly important to me..I view/feel people I connect with from the inside out..The warm vibes I feel from a person, including friends, is what draws me to them. My vibe meter has rarely failed me(99.9% accurate so far) Natural compassion for others is something I’m attracted to in a man..Very

#8 Last but not least I can truly appreciate a positive thinker. There are enough things in life that can bring us down or draw tears from us..Takes much effort to always try hard to see the sunny side UP. Even on our darkest days there’s something we can find to smile about; IF we just recall to count our blessings.

**Well folks that’s my “list” I’m of the belief we can wish things into existence..Its called praying with intent. Or least that’s what I’ve found myself doing this past 2 years. And so far? Its yielded pretty good results…Hoping my list reels my biggest WISH for 2013 on in! Until I read/write y’all again stay UPlifted & blessed. 4 ever sincere, Berna (the 1 N only)

5 thoughts on “^MALE Call..Its About High^ Time..

  1. Good to see you making lists too 🙂
    But seriously, finding a mate is one place where I never made a list. You can have a great relationship with someone who may be missing one, two, or half the qualities on the list – yet it will work because they have something amazing that you’ve never thought to include.
    And then the people also tend to change – and someone fit and positive can turn into an overweight pessimist.


    1. Waving X! This is an old list that has evolved, over time, as I have..And that amazing part you brought up? At this point I’ll not settle for anything less..I’m keeping my “optimist” hat on though. You’re so right@things change/people change & evolve/nothing ever stays quite the same..However when or if my The One does change after we link up? The thought hasn’t hit my mind that he’ll change into anything other than; even more amazing than he already IS


    2. Going to piggback on my own answer..Something I don’t usually do..But I’ve got a bit more time than I did when I responded this morning..Not really a question just something to think about..When you, or anyone, is on the market for a job. Don’t you have a mental list of qualities of the “type” of company you’d like to work for? I mean after all a daily weekly grind is usually at the least 8 hours a day..Thats a long time to spend somewhere that one hates! Right?…I think of my next/last husband in the same way. I’ve got a list of gotta-haves that has formed & re-formed in my mind of the type of man I desire & need. And honestly that list is shorter than the original one I had years ago..As I evolved, realized my own faults, my list got shorter.


      1. I’ve worked in several jobs in my life, and I’ve found that the most important factor whether I like the job or not is the people who I work with. So you could find a job that’s perfect (you’re qualified but not over-qualified, it’s close, the pay and benefits are good, good career prospects, and the interview doesn’t set off any warning flags) – and it’s still becomes a soul-sucking corporate prison. Or it could be something that you’d never think you enjoy, but because you enjoy working with people there, you look forward to coming into the office in the morning. (not getting up early – I never look up to that)
        Of course, looking for a job is not the same as looking for a loved one, because you almost always need a job to live, but we can often afford to spend years searching for a “perfect” mate, and that’s why we don’t take chances with people so easily.


        1. Beautifully said…And I couldn’t agree more with one small , very small , tweak. I don’t even want a perfect mate. Because then they’d not be compatible with me. For I’m pefectly imperfect..What I do long for & am trying, very hard, to wait on; a mate perfect for me. And likewise..Another perfect bloggable topic 🙂


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