Posted in Telling it like it 'TIS

Murder By Miscarriage**Sounding Off

By now most of y’all have heard of the case of Tampa’s John Andrew Weldon..Son of a prominent fertility doctor; who CHOSE to forge a prescription from his Father for the drug , Misoprostol.(also known as the abortion pill) What can only be described as a CLEAR case of premeditated murder..Weldon coaxed his girlfriend into taking the pill; LYING to her in telling her it was an antibiotic..For whatever his reasons were(so his ‘other’ current girlfriend wouldn’t discover pregnancy..) I find it beyond horrific & appalling..The nerve! First count? Forging a prescription. Second count? Making it HIS choice without regard to someone else’s body.. I could list a third count but I’m going to be stop myself short of going off on a rant..NOTHING about this character impresses me. And his Father had the cojones after the verdict today, GUILTY/GUILTY/GUILTY(because it was proven the abortion pill did indeed cause the miscarriage) , of saying he’s going to pray for a miracle..A miracle for his son to be allowed to have an ordinary & successful life. Wow! Wrong, wrong, wrong on so many levels..It is no secret that I’m a liberated feminist woman who believes in pro-choice..I just also happen to be the elated Ma/Moms/Mom of 3 young brothers; I couldn’t imagine my life or my world without them in it. However, at the beginning and end of every , single day it should rightfully BE a woman’s choice what to do with or about HER body. A man’s choice? Do NOT have SEX with a woman who you don’t wish to become the potential mother of his children. Period. There is NO gray area on this matter. Until men can bring life into the world, that is simply what it is. I’ve had debates over the years with men who feel otherwise..Thankfully none of them were my man, whew! The solution is simple enough and I’ve made dang sure I’ve preached it to my still children-less sons…DO NOT SEX ANYONE YOU DON’T WISH TO POTENTIALLY MOTHER YOUR SEED. I held my breath though waiting for this ruling to come about..An ugly precedent would’ve been set had the ruling been not-guilty. Couldn’t be more elated that this woman’s rights were acknowledged. Tiny step forward amidst a time in history when women’s rights are otherwise in jeopardy

30 thoughts on “Murder By Miscarriage**Sounding Off

    1. Agreed! It is scary the awful finding out the things people are capable of these days! Don’t need enemies with so called lovers doing horrific acts..OMGosh that is nightmarish stuff


  1. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for posting this Verna! I’ve been following this in the Tampa bay timestimes feeling very sickened by the whole mess. The privilege of wealth (and whiteness along with wealth so compounded) and the complete sense of entitlement this young man had-entitled to sex with no commitment even tho the other person perceived the situation differently. Entitlement to choose who lives and who dies. Just boggling.
    I have a very good close friend who gave in to a persistent girl he did not even like with the reasoning that “then she would leave him alone”. She had damaged the condom intending to become pregnant-and did. She consequently used the child to manipulate his entire life in various ways because he cares for his child as any father naturally would:-/ So I have a vivid example in my own life of the opposite evil to this but as much as I think my friend may have wished the obnoxious woman dead he would never have done something like this. As my Mom would say “its called a spine!”. Its twisted to trick someone with pharmaceuticals even if it were not to kill. The harm to her body as well as her psyche from such trickery is unpredictable.
    In know it wouldnt work in the real world but I think we should tell the truth-killing is murder whether it is a fetus, a cow, a rat or a human adult. We should admit the truth and then accept that at our current level of development sometimes murder is necessary. We execute criminals, we eat other sentient beings for food and sometimes it simply is not the right time or situation to bring forth a new life for a certain individual who has the capability of doing so. The church first saud onanism was the crime because it denied all those sperm the chance to become humans so if we are going to make laws based on religions rules I think we need a wack-off patrol.if we have to close the abortion clinics. Just to be fair and even about it:-)
    And we’d be paying extra taxes to patrol all those seafood restaurants too since the Bible prohibits shellfish….
    I.hope Carl Haase puts this butter in a book so then at least the rest of America can read about the bizarrely entitled Florida male version6342.
    Unlike the first six thousand this one didn’t actually use a gun!!:-/


      1. Thank you! Apologies for writing your name wrong! The android thing corrects my words to what it thinks I wanted to type-mostly I didn’t at all want to! And I keep not catching it til after it posts. I love the way you address deep issues on your blog so directly and personally. I don’t always notice how reserved and sort of stepped back from things I have become until read a friend’s writings like yours that are full on alive. Thank you for sharing your spirit and creating the space that encourages others to join in with that.


        1. Awww you’re welcome Sis..And honestly? I don’t know any other way to write..Been asked to co-write a fiction piece & its a struggle! My realness is the only way I know how to be and write..So we’ll see..Always enjoy reading your thoughts too ..Happy New Year & hugs!


    1. Very…And the sordid details are horrific of a very elaborate scheme. His OB/GYN (& prominent) Father claims to have known nothing about any of it..Though he’s the one who did the young woman’s sonogram..A sonogram she’d brought to work & showed coworkers with pride..His own son then forges his signature on a prescription & gets someone in a pharmacy to conspire with him to get the drug..Suspect by all accounts..But most disturbing to me ? Is that he sat & thought of such an elaborate scheme..All he had to do was man up & tell his ‘other’ girlfriend the truth. Scary what so called normal /sane people are capable of..And I’m sure the victim is thankful she didn’t bleed to death herself..Her boyfriend I’m sure never considered nor cared about that


      1. To me it is murder as long as she expects to keep the baby. If she chose to abort, which she clearly did not, then it would be her choice. The guy and his father are guilty. Period.


        1. I totally agree…Only one convicted though was the accused..No charges for his father or the pharmacy employee whose been listed as a co-conspirator. Sentence isn’t till end of this month but I’m assuming it won’t be long (since murder charge was dropped for lesser charges)


  2. I’ve only just heard it from you, Berna. What this man did was despicable, but it was not murder. I’m sure there are multiple felonies he could and should be charged with, and go to prison for – however, if we don’t call voluntary abortion “murder”, we shouldn’t call it murder here.
    And I agree with you about having sex with someone only when you see this person as a potential life partner. I passed up on a few dates for this reason.


    1. Ahhh ok..Not sure why this didn’t make national news headlines..I’ve stopped trying to discern what is considered major news..This happening has been on our local news; alot. And I’ve stayed updated with it because of the issue of a woman’s right..I agree with you, in part, it is a ‘slippery slope ‘ knowing what to label this as..Murder or miscarriage by force/deception?? I personally feel it is murder because it was a person, other than the pregnant mother, who ended the pregnancy..And I also say murder because it was determined, by evidence(the sonogram, taken by the accused own father, was shown to coworkers with pride! by the pregnant mother..) that the victim very much wanted the baby..Proof positive that she had NO intention of aborting the baby..On the flip side of that I don’t feel that ‘voluntary abortion’ is murder. But key word here is voluntary..In this case had the victim not been given the abortion pill; the fetus would’ve , more than likely, been eventually born as a living baby..Note also that the ‘first’ charge from the prosecution was ‘murder’..It was dropped for a plea bargain of lesser charges..This entire case is tragic! And? The accused had a co-conspirator at the pharmacy the drug was from..Alot of very suspect and scary details surrounding this whole messy case/incident


      1. This story is just crazy enough to make the national news – but there is so much crazy stuff going on that they must feel overwhelmed. And that did not show up in any of the dozens of blogs I follow.
        I think calling it a murder assumes that fetus was a person. And codifying that logic in court precedent can potentially make even voluntary abortion illegal.


        1. You are absolutely correct..If the charge of murder had been followed through; indeed it would’ve been problematic for what is defined as voluntary abortion in future rulings. Abortion is such a hot-button topic these days as it is..For the record if there is a label for a person whose a pro-lifer but also a pro-choicer; that would be me. Problem is riding the fence on this one isn’t doable..And thats why I’m pro-choice. Tough call , but life consists of tough decisions sometimes..And I can’t stand being wishy-washy.


      1. I wasn’t a careful or thoughtful dater – my approach was a result of vivid imagination and panic more than of deliberation, and went something like this: “what if the date goes well, then we go on another date, then another, then we get serious, then move in together, then get married…OMG, I am SO NOT ready to get married to her!! Better not even ask her out!!!” 🙂


          1. That was just me, and it doesn’t really qualify as thinking 🙂 So it’s not a proof of anything. Men aren’t all alike: there are guys who do think with their head, and those who leave the thinking to other appendages, but I’d say a large majority combines both thinking centers in some way.


  3. I’ve only just heard it from you, Berna. What this man did was despicable, but it was not murder. I’m sure there are multiple felonies he could and should be charged with, and go to prison for – however, if we don’t call voluntary abortion “murder”, we shouldn’t call it murder here.
    And I agree with you about having sex with someone only when you see this person as apotential life partner.


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