Posted in Watercooler Chat, ^^Thought Provoking^^, ~~FREE Flow of UNscripted Thoughts~~

Watercooler Chat***Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

Conversation ice breaker of the day..Is honesty always the best policy?

You’d be surprised what the responses are when you ask someone this question!! Though an age-old cliché not everyone believes this is the best policy…What is your take on it & how has it worked out for you in your day-to-day life experiences? Later, I’ll post my thoughts but in the meantime here is a clue …

What would be even more fun is post the responses you get when you ask someone this question today..Let it flow y’all!

Honesty and keeping it all the way real…

12 thoughts on “Watercooler Chat***Is Honesty Always the Best Policy?

  1. I think that too many people confuse honesty and ‘keepin it real’ …with Opinions, lack of tact, and insensitivy…..
    Example: I once overheard several women viewing their fiend’s pic of the woman’s newborn baby. One of the keepin it real sistas decided that she needed to tell the parent that lots of babies start out rough looking, but grow up to look much better with age!
    Hmmmm, keepin it real??? Brutally honest??? Or keepin it tactless???

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lols! Now you know I’m always glad to see you’ve visited my little spot B.O.!(same initials as another of my fave people@ Pres. Barack Obama..wooo hoooo)

      As for your story I’d say that is brutal honesty! And a tad bit tactless..Why? Because basically said it was an ugly baby…ALL babies no matter how rough looking are beautiful to their parents…Good manners & etiquette should’ve alerted the keeping it real Sista that wasn’t a good thing to say out loud..Some thoughts are better off left unsaid..I’ve seen babies not-so -cute!; and my comment is usually something like ” Awww look at him or her!” Never actually lying to say it is a cute baby…Even when keeping it real one must take into account another’s feelings..You’ve just given me a clear cut example of when honesty isn’t a good thing!(and instead could be quite offensive even if done with best intentions..been there!)


  2. Being honest when asked for honesty is the best policy in most cases I ‘assume’ But sometimes I think people believe their honesty is called for, even when it isn’t asked for! 🙂 And maybe that honesty could be kept to themselves. I think some people hide behind “honesty” to be angry, bitter and hateful.

    BUT, the flip of that. Is people are honest to avoid miscommunication, misunderstanding. And other problems that are created by not being truthful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with both sides of this coin…Tending of course to lean towards the latter use for honesty personally…Probably goes even deeper with me than that…Back to my childhood..My Dad felt that IF my bro and I lied to him(even white lies..) that we didn’t respect him…Because of that I focused on not only telling the truth; but I will give lots of boring details with my stories..Still trying to outgrow that! Amazing how many things stick with us, from childhood..Saying all of that to explain why I translate honesty = respect


      1. That translation makes sense to me. Honest does equal respect. But I also believe there is respect in not saying something sometimes. Not lying, I don’t mean that. (I’m trying to avoid giving specific examples because I don’t want to call anyone out!!! 🙂 ).


  3. In my honest opinion, Berna, no, honesty is not always the best policy. Just a couple of examples of questions where a honest answer isn’t the best one:
    “Guten tag. Are there any Jews hiding in this village?”
    “If elected, will you raise our taxes?”
    “Does this dress make me look fat?”
    I would agree that most of the time, honesty is better, but always? No.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. X! You know I always love that you make me smile(or laugh) while making your points..And I hear you..My issue? I’ve a problem “hiding” what I truly think or feel from my face…No “poker face” at all..Plus I suck at lying…Right now I’m working to change being brutually honest to tactfully honest….

      Really was great to see that big black X…Thanks for stopping by & chiming in..Headed to your spot in a bit to see what I’ve missed..Hugz!


        1. Lols! No, what I meant is I don’t have a good poker face, at all..You know how when playing poker(which I also don’t know how to play…) players try to have that blank stare , so as not to give away what is in their hand? My emotions/feelings are clearly displayed on my face …Can’t fake or hide it..I’ve tried lol! But people tell me it doesn’t work


        2. Forgot to answer the question…

          I still believe honesty is best…What I’m learning, even at 50, is to filter or omit some things that come to my mind…In order to do so? I almost have to bite my tongue off..Can’t ever see myself becoming good a lying though..Nor do I want to


Really want to hear your innermost thoughts so talk to me..