Posted in ~~FREE Flow of UNscripted Thoughts~~

Greatest Gift 2 Give in 2014..+ My #1 New Years Resolution*

…I began a list of New Years resolutions..Then decided I’m only going to share the one in the #1 slot..Often I’ve said, the thing a person can give me to show they truly care for/about me? Quality time..Funny thing is I began to believe/say that long before the internet & smart phone revolution! These days in addition to quality time one has to demand & give their FULL attention. How smart are we if we allow our smartphones (or anything else…) to rule our lives? And quality time alone means nada if a person’s cell phone is constantly demanding their attention>>

Ever been out to dinner(or where ever…) & noticed couples both heads bent down on their cell phones??? I’ve often wondered WHY even go out? Nothing irks me more than to spend time with someone who can’t seem to NOT answer their cell phone..Really?? And yet…I find myself quite often checking my cell for texts my dang self…Ugh, talk about hypocrisy! It’s gotten to a point I just turn my cell on mute(which I do for work /church anyways) when I’m spending ‘alone time’ with special folks..How did it ever become so acceptable to give so much attention to our social gadgets? (i.e..cells/Ipads/laptops) I’ve decided it IS only acceptable IF we allow it & do IT..Isn’t that how new norms get formed? So my #1 New Years resolution IS= Pay full attention to those that I give my attention to. Sounds simple enough, right? Now all that is left is to follow through..Until I read/write y’all again stay blessed & happy new years! 4ever sincere, Berna(the 1 & only)

11 thoughts on “Greatest Gift 2 Give in 2014..+ My #1 New Years Resolution*

  1. Its a good new year’s resolution! I so need to post this at work for all my team meetings to have fully engaged individuals. Amazing how “attention” was a major casualty of technology this past year.


    1. Yes, it is indeed that is the case regarding “attention” with technology…Our company frowns heavily on folks texting, etc during meetings and whatnot..But? I’ve heard talk about how many people are texting during work hours & the amount of time spent doing it..No longer is it just FB snatching the focus of people; now it is also text chatting..What the heck are we doing all this talking about??? Yep, post this sucker up at your team meetings; for real! Office etiquette dictates at the least to pretend to ‘pay attention” and stay awake..NOT texting or Net surfing..How lax work standards/etiquette has gotten here in the U.S..Lawd! but thats another longgg topic for another time


  2. I am not a cell phone person…I could go days and not even care if it’s charged. My husband, however, has his with him at all times, including a nature walk with his wife. This blows my mind because I don’t understand what cannot wait for one hour. Emergencies??? Heck, we used to run to the nearest house!
    Here’s to hands free, cell phone free- time with loved ones and friends!!!
    Cheers, Berna! 🙂


    1. Ahhh it blows my brother’s mind when I call him from my cell phone..On my car blue tooth, so I am hands free..He still feels it is a distraction from driving and makes me disconnect tilll I get home to call..Remember back in the day when we waited to use the phone?? Or we stopped to use a payphone! (which hardly exist anymore) And yes heres to hands free cell phone free fully focused attention and time with loved ones/friends. Yay! I know I can , I know I can lol


    1. Ahhh welcome to my blog spot Mr MakingUSmile..Love the nic! (cause I love smiling, alot) And best wishes to you in 2014 also..I’ll stop by for sure later on today to check your spot out 🙂


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