Posted in =Self Discovery=

HAPPINESS is a Direction..NOT a Place>>

I struggled to think of a happy topic to leave as my last blog prior to surgery..And then it hit me! I’ll blog on a topic I’ve come to LOVE. The pursuit of happiness..>>

**Happiness is a direction, not a place** Quote by Sydney J Harris

It is my belief that happiness IS relative..I believe it is based on what OUR expectation of happiness IS..Have you thought about what your definition of happiness IS? And IF not; how can you reach a state of being that you’ve not yet defined? Hmmmm..Well I’ve thought about what my utopic state would be in all aspects. I don’t base my happiness on other folks “appearance” of being happy either..I do NOT believe that money buys happiness nor does beauty..Lets take Halle Berry for example. Voted without a doubt as one of the world’s most beautiful women. And to boot she is rich…Yet, based on some of her actions/behavior not for ALL the tea in China would I trade shoes with Halle. Lest anyone forget she had a hit & run incident in which she left a person maimed! When she showed UP in court with a band-aid on her face, and the victim bandaged from head-to-toe in a wheelchair, I didn’t see view that as a person who was HAPPY. Not as defined by my happy meter. And IF they’d tested her alcohol level that night??? I’m sure that her day in court would’ve ended totally different..For the record? I think Halle is a beautiful woman. (even sans make-up she is beautiful) But in addition I’d like to add EVEN Halle can’t pull off wearing this outfit..Pregnant or not, beautiful or not; this is ONE ugly arse outfit!!! Gets a zero on my happy meter>>

Now there are some that would have us believe that HAPPINESS is a constant state of mind..I firmly believe that is a load of poppycock! Who on this earth is happy ALL the time? I’d like to see what that type of person looks like..So IF you’re out there please hold your hand UP; and post a picture. Please..I’ve lived a long time. 50 years and counting..Thank God for that every single day..Anyways I digress..Long as I’ve lived even the happiest folks I know ; have days they’re in a FUNK. I have come to feel it is a normal part of life..The trick IS snapping ourselves out of those funk-mood-type-of-moments/days. And guess what? WE have the power to do just that. I know because I do it. And IF I can do it, anyone can. It works if you work IT..Works the opposite way as well though..We can downspiral with our thoughts/moods in the same fashion. But when one learns themselves(which I feel is the key…) can change the motion of those negative thoughts when they begin. Some of us have things that can trigger those negative thoughts & by all costs WE must nip them in the bud..I’m an expert on such things for I’ve lived it; and learned to combat it. Happiness IS a direction & that direction can be a constant forward motion>>

Riddle me this..How can any of us truly know what happiness feels like; If we’ve not lived through the opposite feeling? Known as sad moments/events/experiences…Also known as rainy days. Many who truly know me know I simply HATE rainy days! I honestly do..Having lived on the Right Coast(Cali..West Coast still RULES..) for the better part of 20 yrs I’ve not seen a lot of rain. However , I did live through some really rainy blue down days there..On the flip side of that? In my new home on the Left Coast(Ahhh but I’m growing to love it here too..) I’ve seen a TON of rain outside..Yet, because of the frame of mind I’m in now? Even walking outside on the darkest of rainy days; I’m full of laughter/smiles/and JOY..Sometimes one can dance in the rain even when they HATE the rain..It is a force-learned habit..I just refuse to let the unhappy moments take over my life ever again. And IF I can do it; anyone can>>

When is the last time you thought about what it would take for you to BE happy? What is your utopia? And what are YOU doing to make it come about? Did you know that being happy IS a choice we can make? >>

I think most of us FIGHT to be happy..IN a world full of negative images/sound clips/boob tube flicks/unheavenly things going on from America to kingdom come; we’ve NO choice but to sink or swim..We can choose to sink down into the muck & mire OR fight/claw our way on and UPward to happiness. I feel happiness though differs for all of us. Some of us might be happy as a kid in a candy store living in an 800 square foot cute Lil apartment! While others might require a 5,000 square foot house for them to be happy..But I once met folks living on skid row in Los Angeles that were full of laughter & joy & SMILES. I’d not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes..It was a field trip my exMominLaw took me on that I’ll never forget. Taught me, humbled me!, that being happy doesn’t cost a dime. God gives us a chance at happiness every time he wakes us UP. Or so its my belief..My happiness is driven by simple things.* Being a LOVED child of God. LOVE in my life. Security. Peace in my home/Within my family/On my job. LOVE of my career. Strong Personal Relationships with my family & my extended family of friends. LOVE in my life that surrounds me & comforts me. & Peace of mind * Any/Everything else in my life is extra. Took me a long time to realize that. And I am happy. At long last..Well y’all that’s a wrap until post-surgery. I can say I’ll miss YOU all! Miss me while I’m away…Until I read/write y’all again stay UPlifted & BLESSED. 4ever Sincere, Berna(the 1 & Only)


Don’t 4get to show me some LOVE while I’m away!!! I won’t feel like writing but trust & believe I’ll be reading

16 thoughts on “HAPPINESS is a Direction..NOT a Place>>

    1. thank you for the healing thoughts..i am managing post surgery recovery very well WITH pain very thankful for meds and my swelling/pain is decreasing daily..i think i will b ready to blog about it tomorrow.what an is amazing..congrats on ur pathology results bonnie..i will have mine by next monday aug 19


    1. Waving my Sista! Glad you like it finally going to wrap it up now..And thanks for the well wishes. I am ready for it to be over & on my way to recovery…Would fast forward to that part if I could šŸ™‚


  1. Well first of all, Halle didn’t have a husband like Lincoln when on the commercial he tried to avoid the question does this make me look fat?

    In reply to topic of happiness, I believe happiness this is an inside job. No matter what’s going on around us, one find happiness, peace and contentment. However, I feel one’s heart has to be right with God. One can be poor,but find joy and happiness. I have to admit this concept took me a long time to realize. I use to think, things, possessions brought happiness. Shute, my new blouse gets a spill on it and it’s no longer new. Unfortuanately, this happens much too often-the spills that is. I need to wear the napkin on my breasts not on my lap. The new furniture gets a scratch or the new car obtains a nick on it. Whoops, they no longer aren’t new and now a person wants some thing to replace them.

    I may be poor, but I’m happy. My little dog and my husband and I are content and happy. My children are alive and well. I’ll always want something. I think this is the nature of man.

    So I guess what I’m saying is smile through the rain and clouds of life. God will provide this contentment. In actuality because of one’s faith, we have the opportunity to bless someone else.

    Take care. Bless you. May you have peace, serenity, contentment and happiness. Most of all trust in God.


    1. THIS hits the nail on the head of where I’ve been and where I am NOW..Love this explanation and in a way you’ve just told a bit of your testimony..How much we, as strangers that just met(by way of WordPress go figure!) can have in common..I say often as people WE alll have alot more in common; than different. I’ve lived alot of what you’ve just shared..2 thumbs UP for expressing it so much more beautifully than I could have..I co-sign every single word.(although I’m still working on the part about gaining another husband and I want another dog too lol, lol!) As for Halle’s husband I fell out laughing when I read that..Smart dude I guess to NOT have answered that question..However unless that is him cut out of the picture; even he wouldn’t walk with her wearing that ugly costume


  2. Surgery? Didn’t know you were scheduled for one. In any event, my prayers are with you.
    P/S Halle Berry has a smoking hot body, but alas seems to attract way too much drama.


  3. Good luck on your surgery! And I hope you are brave enough to handle the hospital outfits, because they are almost as hideous as this Halle Berry’s jacket, (which looks like she tried to change the oil in her car while wearing it).


    1. Lol, LOL..Waving X! I always love seeing you’ve visited my spot..When I first saw the outfit I saw on Halle in this pic I though WtF was she thinking?! But I think sometimes beautiful filthy rich celebrities THINK they can pull off wearing anything; simply because of who they are..I’m sorry IF she paid someone to pick that outfit; they should be FIRED..And IF she chose that herself & didn’t walk past a mirror then shame on her..IF she walked past a mirror & thought she looked fit to walk outside? Then mayhaps she was as “bent” as she was the night she hit & ran that poor woman! I can’t straight shoot it any other way than that..

      As for the hospital garment I’ll wear on Monday? Well even at my worst post-surgery; I bet I’ll look better than Halle in that funky outfit in my hospital white. My excuse? I’ll be drugged UP for the first time in my life and won’t give a dang how I look…Thank you for the well wishes my friend. I’ve got a feeling everything is going to be just fine…I can hardly wait to blog about IT


      1. You know, celebrities sometimes intentionally wear ugly clothing just to shock and generate media attention (Madonna and Lady Gaga come to mind), so it looks like Halle at least got yours šŸ™‚


        1. I dig Madonna, alot..Been her fan since Material Girl days way backintheday..Yep, Halle got my attention for sure..I went looking for a non-favorable pic of her(to illustrate money/beauty doesn’t make one perfect..) and she rose to the occasion with that ugly outfit unbecoming for any living creature..


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