Posted in @Cultural, LOVE

^STAGGERING Statistics @Black Love Relationships..the Good, the Bad, the FUNKY ugly^

Disclaimer: From the jump let me make just one thing clear..These are my opinions on this matter. I am a very opinionated person; and I make no apology for it..The catalyst for this post was yet another UNsolicited suggestion; that I need to LOWER my standards & expectations or be single for far longer than I wish to be. Of course not only do I disagree..I’ve got a few comments to say on the state of Black Love Relationships. Including those that consider themselves oh, so fortunate! to be in BAD relationships..Ever hear that old adage @ I can do bad all by myself? Oh and! How about this one that I live by @ I’d rather BE single than to be part of a relationship I know is BAD/ill-suited/& not couple- compatible  from the get-go? >

Make no mistake about it, Black Love, does still exist(my parents just celebrated 51 years of marriage & still IN love)  …but the dynamics of it has changed. In more ways than 1 and for more than 1 reason…>

Let it be noted before I delve any deeper into this..I simply LOVE my brothers! Hands down I do, with all my BEing..I am in full support of/participated in co-raising 3 heckified beautiful Black princes/am the daughter of an OUTSTANDING Black Daddy/am the sister of an amazing Black & loyally married brother(key word there is LOYAL..that still matters) /exwife & ex yet still very, very good friend to an awesome Black brother who is a #1 Dad/& Sista friend to a host of Black brothers who I’m blessed to be able to call devoted friends..Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way; onto why a particular brother’s comments on MY marital status disappointed me so very much(& is the fuel behind this post)…>

I think there is an assumption & presumption that when a sexy, smart sister is single it means…a. she has set her standards TOO high  b. has unrealistic expectations of a man/relationship c. thinks she deserves more based on what a brother can do for  her financially(also known as a gold digger) and won’t link up with the average brother…..But what hasn’t been considered?!? Based on just simple, basic! things that a woman desires in a man; its very SLIM pickings out there. Exclamation point. Period..Lets see if I can explain this properly.. 1. OMG is having a decent conversation toooo much to ask for these days?!? WithOUT hearing about the size of my butt! (IF I hear 1 more comment about it I will scream; what IS wrong with these younger brothers on the East Coast? ) WithOUT hearing about my looks or my hair or that I look Spanish and not Black…Miss me with all of it/grow UP/man UP..I’ve tired of being polite; cause some of us were raised by mother who taught us manners. But you’ve got to step UP your game , to the least, to get past all of the compliments quickly and move onto to a decent conversation. Going on & on & on just makes it appear as if you aren’t capable of holding a decent conversation…and personally? My time is tight & to me about something other than ME..or don’t waste your breath. Moving right along>

*Black love statistics & then back to my very real commentary*= Recent estimates of single, Black women: 60% -70%(thats a whopper amount) . Employment rate for Black men current approx & record low:56.9% . (love without finance is not fun; it takes 2 incomes these days to make it as a couple) More than TWICE as many Black men married someone of another ethnicity; then Black women(roughly 22% to doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out this is making the amount of fish in the pond smaller for Black women to be chosen by..) . 70% of Black children are born to single Black Mothers. (wait, there is NO such thing as a single mother..can’t have a baby alone…WHAT is this saying about Black men??? can have sex with Black women but not put a ring on IT? *slapping forehead*) 41% of Black women have never married. 43% of Black men have never married..backintheday when my folks married; you didn’t have SEX without a ring on things have changed for the worse) 70% of 1st Black marriages are ending in divorce. So IF you’re on your 1st marriage & Black..odds are you’re not going to make it. Especially if you don’t even enter the marriage in love; which by the way the brother who said I needed to lower my standards admitted.. Never been IN love; yet currently married. I just can’t wrap my mind around the many questions of why..and then people are shocked instantly into the marriage there are major , major issues. As IF. I’d be more shocked if there weren’t..>

Going to see if I can break this down from what, I think, is the beginning of this chaotic situational situation…I’m about finding solutions to problems & after I break this down? I’ll do my best to lay down what I think is a simple start to a solution..The good news? What is broken down can be built back UP; but it will take time/consistency/& desire to get back to the basics. Now the tough part that will more than likely make some of my Black sisters hate on me…though if they let this sink in & chew on it the concept really does make sense. First of all I am & will always be a proud woman’s libber. I adore being a woman & all things in support of women. I am for a woman being respected and judged based on her “own” merit. I’ve been known to say I’m far more than a pretty face. I mean that thing I think men often forget? The true beauty in a woman is beneath her appearance. It is her heart! , her spirit, her essence and her inner-soul. Nevertheless what I sincerely feel began the rapid decline of Black Love relationships is = Women’s Lib. Yep, somehow  we got sucked IN way backintheday to thinking that our INdependence was #1. Question that is begging to be answered now is..At what cost was/is our independence worth? And independent from what? Real & intimate & necessary LOVE relationships & our children who we allowed to be raised by strangers for 8 entire hours a day??? (add that up and its alot of time children are away daily from their parents…) The fall out from what was really caused by women’s lib?  How many HAPPY married Black  folks do you know?(let me quickly insert here my parents are)  Think about it…I’ll wait. >

So the fall out began from women’s lib..The woman suddenly felt just taking care of home..i.e..her husband & children full time..wasn’t a worthy full time job. Thus, children were raised primarily (40 -45 hrs a week is the bulk of the waking week days..) by strangers…think about when did kids behavior overall become as disrespectful as it is now? When did the use of DRUGS on children become prevalent? I don’t recall soooo many kids on ADD meds backintheday when I was in elementary…used to just call them hyper kids! And what about tending to her husband? After a full day of work and then home to tend to dinner & the kids(is anyone doing homework with children anymore??? taking kids to the library anymore? reading with kids anymore???) how many nights is a wife NOT feeling like tending to her husbands needs? And that causes men to do what? Or one of the causes…stray. I have to say for the record I have never seen or heard of SO many people cheating or willing to cheat on their marriage; as these days. Its out of control…why even be married if you’re not going to attempt to stay loyal? Tiger Woods is a prime example…wtH? Anyways I digress, but y’all get the gist>

So now we’ve got generation upon generation of people from broken homes..Whats worse is then some Black fathers don’t even stay involved with their children after the break up..As IF its the child they’re also breaking off with. I will never understand nor be able to RESPECT a man that hasn’t tended to his children. How in the world you can not care for your own seed is beyond me..even wild animals tend to their babies/offspring. And IF a man doesn’t take care of his own seed; what makes a woman think he cares about her. There is no logic in that. With the rising cost of living it is almost impossible to raise a child on one income..this is where oldschool type families SHOULD  step in to truly does take a village these days..Lest we forget our African roots..But that is another long topic for another time. These are just but a couple ways women’s lib began the descent of the Black family & Black a woman that is a sobering , sad thought. How do we get back what WE had? Because in trying to sort through the broken pieces out here as a single woman ready to date? I’m just glad I’m happy & content with my life..or I’d be one miserable woman waiting for an eligible suitable ‘the 1″. Never mistake the fact that I talk about yearning to be in love again or married; for being unhappy. I’m very happy & hopefully I can will into existence what I wish for by talking or writing about it. I believe in that@Think it. Dream it. Make it happen.

My biggest problem? I’ve got standards; some say too high. I not only look for physical attractiveness ; but a man’s character matters to me. His consistency/keeping his word/his heart shining through in his actions/he has good COMMUNICATION skills and can hold a decent conversation/he is kind/He is a Believer(that should’ve been #1 on the list)/he respects his Mother, this is a must, and women. Tip for my brothers reading this..When you disrespect  your marriage/wife by hitting on also disrespect ME.  And I won’t allow that or myself to stoop to your level..Just because you don’t respect your marriage..doesn’t mean I’m going to . Last but not least IF having such standards makes me greedy or stuck on my self. Then so be it..really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks about me. What matters most is what I think/feel  about myself. I think being in love matters for longevity in a relationship/marriage. Even if its not the first marriage; it still matters. And in my book it always will.

The path to get things back to the way they were; I think begins with choosing potential spouses/signficant others based on more than their looks or sex…When something, anything, isn’t built on a good foundation…it falls apart. People think they can change people. Can’t! All that happens is you’ll waste alot of time & youth trying..unhappily. I’d not trade a day of being single for that. Isn’t that called HELL? Until I read/write y’all again stay uplifted & blessed. 4ever sincere , Berna (the 1 & only)

14 thoughts on “^STAGGERING Statistics @Black Love Relationships..the Good, the Bad, the FUNKY ugly^

  1. I love this! You listed out all the stats that indicate why it’s so difficult to find a suitable mate. There are so many obstacles, but yet we can’t give up hope. I am just now at a place where I am trying to block out all the negativity & statistics of me being alone and only allowing the positive to come out of my lips. God has a plan & a person for all of us and I just have to remember that it’s not my timing but His timing.

    But I digress – yes, Black love has taken a deep dive & love in general due to the Women’s Lib movement. I curse the fact that women have taken such control that men are now feeling emasculated and no longer feel needed in our lives. I don’t think that our standards are too high or that we expect too much, I just think our Brothas need to step it up. And maybe we should be the ones to help them do that. Hhhmmm….just a thought.

    By the way, this is the exact topic that I am going to email you about 🙂


    1. As usual Sis you nailed IT..I’m with you on all counts! Its clear to see I’m sure(by the length of the piece; and I could’ve written more on it . ha!) that I feel this topic in every ounce of my body. Its real. The finger-pointing I agree won’t get us anywhere..I kinda-sorta knew you’d agree @Woman’s Lib movement. I’ll look out for your email 🙂


  2. My mother was counseling my older sister on her husband’s infidelity. These words were spoken from their conversation. “Girl, don’t you worry, about him out the with them other women. You just pick up his check, and when the other gals finds out he ain’t got no money. He will come home!” I was the little pitcher with the big ears, hiding in a closet. Maybe nine years old. What do you think about my mom’s advice?


    1. Excellent question . And I’ve got a response..How I’d answer when I was 20 years younger; and how I answer today…Be back when time permits to lay it out in full. I do thank you for asking the question and you’ll see why.


      1. herapereira May 15, 4:02 pm

        Your mum most likely meant that your late brother in law thought he was a playa for having all those other women, but in reality those women were there for the money. take away the money and he will come home. Genius.
        This is a another blogger that was sent the same question, if you two haven’t met, them I am introducing to each other. Berna this is Hera, Hera this is Berna! You both have some interesting outlooks on relationships. When I ask my wife about different subjects dealing with women and my observations about my mother, she doesn’t always give an objective view. Many times I’m left with more questions than answers. I was wondering what would happen if each of you took one side of a question, and answered in one blog? For example : “Should a woman marry for love or money?’ One will take money and the other will take love. Alternating paragraphs, The one who starts the blog gets the last words!


        1. Waving Hera! Nice to meet you; anyone who is cool with alright with me..As for that challenge V.S. on penning a blog; it is ON. Lolll..I can’t resist a challenge and makes me rise higher to raise the bar…when time permits I’m all over that(after responding to your first post response..)


        2. Can’t resist hitting this response one more time..Note: It was one of the most difficult things I have EVER done in my life @ Divorce someone I was madly IN love with. It was like parting with a limb. It was like not being able to breath. It was like facing each new day and not seeing the sunshine outside..I clearly recall such deep bits & pieces of conversations we had prior to the divorce becoming final. One thing I will never forget it him saying he could not picture a day of his life passing by; without me in it. And yet I still went forward with the divorce..Love was truly blind to walk away from such love. Feelings of betrayal and hurt can run deep..I’m so glad lesson was learned since then though. Without a doubt I’d handle it differently now. We live, We learn. We live on..


            1. I understood what your Mom was teaching your sister..I never learned to love in that manner..Which might be part of my problem; I love openly & freely..And! I’ve no poker face. I wear my feelings on my sleeve(which my Daddy taught me I did long ago..) Never learned how to control a man with such antics as your Mom was teaching your Sis. Honestly, I’m glad I didn’t . You’re right love & deception don’t mix. Least I don’t think they do. Some people are in love-less love relationships & marriages though..I say to each his/her own; but that just isn’t for me. Question for you now. Did you think your sister was in a happy loving marriage? Just trying to discern if that worked for their marriage. What happened after her husband cheated? You left me on a cliff hangar of sorts..


              1. They were on and off, he even moved to my Mom’s at one point. He died about ten years ago, they were still together. And the ruse worked. he was back at home, That following Friday!


                1. Ahhh so he stayed(sorry for your loss…) but does staying equate to loving her? Does, just staying in a relationship, mean a person feels GOOD about being in the relationship? I smell another blog topic..


    2. I’ve waited all day in anticipation of answering this question..And I’ve had time to reflect on it..Yet this was my immediate thought to respond..>IF these were words said to me 20 years ago regarding my husband & the source was RELIABLE(like my Mom or someone I trusted who had/has EXPERIENCED a good love relationship/marriage..I’d have not considered their advice because of course I’d feel betrayed! I’d not consider the particulars at all…I’d just want him OUT of the house away from ME & no explanation out of his mouth would suffice…In reality I’ve lived that some 20 years ago; and that is exactly how I responded. >Now, that I’m more mature, age wise/emotionally/ experience wise, I “would” consider the particulars; especially IF I was in love with my husband(which I’d not be married if I weren’t) and if he was a good! man & husband..I can say with all honestly IF I’d looked at the situation in that manner 20 years ago I’d perhaps not been so quick to seek divorce as the ONLY solution..I’d have taken my now-exhusband’s offer to participate in marital counseling.(which at the time he wanted me to do; but I refused) I didn’t consider the fact that he said he was sorry. I didn’t consider the fact of how excellent a Dad! & person he was/is. I didn’t consider the fact that it was a physical “one-time thing” ; and NOT an emotional bond or act. At the time I was so naive I didn’t realize there is a difference….I didn’t consider the fact that men can view sex differently from women..For me sex is a highly emotional act and not just physical..I’ve since heard that many a good marriage that exists today; survived and thrived! after a case of cheating physically. As for the money issue mentioned? Quite frankly that doesn’t fly with me…IF I was feeling a man or in love with a man; I would NOT care if he didn’t have a ton of money. Long as he was gainfully employed and could contribute to our finances in some manner is all that matters. Hows that for an answer? Bet you didn’t anticipate that one!


Really want to hear your innermost thoughts so talk to me..