Posted in <<COMING SOON, ***DPCHALLENGE, *DP CHALLENGE>Post A Day*, @Cultural, Post a Day 2013, ~~FREE Flow of UNscripted Thoughts~~

WANTED: Black Men who LOVE Black Women. *DP PostaDay 2013 Challenge*

Another one of those tough topics we hate 2 discuss; yet know it exists. Might as well bring it to the forefront during Black History Month. I needed a title to GRAB your attention; now that I’ve got it the real subject of this piece is about=Black women who hate on interracial relationships…well least the ones that involve Black brothers dating White women. Ya’ll ready for this?!? I won’t sugar coat this subject because it leads to a topic that is far too important to ignore or to dilute. That IS if we care about the future generations. Or least this is the way I see it..

First a few statistics that might help bring things into focus..According to ,thesentencingproject, more than 60% of people in American prisons are racial & ethnic minorities. 60% ! And having worked in a state prison in Cali I can tell you first hand ; MOST of them are very young Black males.(seeing this day to day was heart wrenching to say the least)  1 in 10 of Black males in their 30s; is in jail or prison on any given day currently in America. 2/3 of ALL persons in prison for drug offenses are people of color..Now let that sink in for a minute. I personally think we’ve got FAR bigger fish to fry; than worrying about White women snagging Black men..However, given this background info one could see how problematic snagging a good  Black man could be nowadays. But now onto the topic at hand…

Before I go any further I want to make my position clear..I’ve no issue at all with my Caucasian sisters who dig/date/marry my Black brothers.  I can totally understand why; 100%! Major props to them for having excellent taste; and I feel exactly the same way…

My two biggest issues with this topic are..#1 My brothers who feel they MUST drag us down to the gutter; just because they prefer dating other than Black women. Personally? I care LESS who people date. Honestly…you could date flying purple elephants for all I care. BUT why  “try” to tear us down on the way out the door??? As IF those who do(not all do…) don’t also have Black mothers/daughters!/and relatives. When you diss ALL of anything; you’re also dissing your own..Very UNcool and gets NO respect from me. In a silent manner of course..

Let me add here I don’t know ANY women like the ones portrayed in the pics I’ve posted…but I know they exist. And when some of us look bad; its a bad LOOK for all of us. We stand together or fall apart..Why place blame on others instead of first getting own self together? Because even the most educated & so called “together” person can have issues. I don’t know a person ALIVE who doesn’t have some type of issue or baggage..and the first one to say they don’t has the MOST issues. I don’t care who it is. Even saying you don’t have an issue; is an issue. So count that as #1 issue on the list. My point is when you can look in the mirror and love “self”; you don’t blame or hate on anyone else when things don’t go your way. You just keeeeeep it moving until things fall into place. Why take it personally? Some Black men  just prefer dating a variety of women….OR could be some might have gotten tired of not being treated like the KINGS they are. I’m sure there are as many reasons as there are people on the planet. But being ugly about it isn’t the answer; least not in my opinion. What that does is add to the already much hyped image of an “angry Black woman” stereotype…and some of us are so far removed from that image that I find it highly, highly! offensive. Bottom line is  if Black women truly dig our Black brothers; that means respecting/supporting them 100%. Even when it means they decide to choose someone other than a Black woman as his..Queen. We all have options these days…

For me though I’m waiting on my chocolate KING to come sweep me off my feet..we all have preferences/choices and must  learn to respect others for theirs. Just remember one important thing ; when my “the one” does find me  this year? He is OFF limits to all of ya’ll! Private stock and I don’t believe in sharing…Stay UPlifted, 4ever sincere Berna (the 1 & only)

4 thoughts on “WANTED: Black Men who LOVE Black Women. *DP PostaDay 2013 Challenge*

  1. There are some very interesting points in here. I especially like “…if Black women truly dig our Black brothers; that means respecting/supporting them 100%…” Support in a relationship is crucial. If you don’t support your weight you’ll fail, or cause the other side to bear a heavier burden to keep the relationship afloat, or something else entirely. Good read, thanks!


    1. **Ahhhh I was so hoping to get feedback on this piece..This was a very difficult piece to write ..I must have proofed it and re-read it a cazillion times! After all I am so much a Black Woman and a PROUD one at that..And yet it is high time we take a look at ourselves..Those close to me know I’m on a highly personal journey this past almost 2 years..I’m on a quest to get closer to GOD and in the process am learning so much about myself as well..A very beautiful yet searingly deep /honest process..It hurt to write all of what I wrote last night..and sometimes the truth hurts. I love my brothers and sisters, always. Good , bad, and ugly..But I’m also the product of parents still going strong and married 51 years in a couple months…I’ve got a very UP close and personal picture of how a loving Black love relationships works; when you work with it DAILY. And it is the second beautiful thing I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, watching it/being a product of it, second only to being Mother/Ma/Moms/Mom to 3 outstanding , beautiful BLACK brothers. How can I NOT respect and love anything other than Black brothers when I brought 3 into the world and was brought into the world by one??!? It is all I know and it is what I know…anyways off to work shortly but I have to say thank YOU for responding. It means alot to me. More than you know. And I’m truly enjoying the Good Black News site that you reblogged last month..I’m a follower of it now; as well as your follower. Stay UPlifted & blessed


      1. It looks like the spiritual journey is paying off. Yes, the relationship issue is a touchy and tender topic that needs to be addressed candidly.Long-term marriage is such an important sight to behold. Satan is out to tear it apart and make it appear that marriage doesn’t work. That opens the door to the “alternatives…”


        1. **Preach!@alternatives..So happy to see a male perspective especially on this subject..You’ve more than filled that spot in responding my Brotha..None of us are above reproach is the stance I take AND futhermore I welcome the same in return from my Sista’s or Brotha’s…NONE of us are above reproach..And what happened to the days we used to keeeeeep each other “in check” ??? IF ya’ll see me acting a fool or looking like a fool; please tell me also. Like IF I’ve got tissue paper stuck to my heel when I come out of the restroom; tell me please! Backintheday folks used to look out for one another..and now? WE have, as a whole, forgotten from whence we came…Addressing “matters” candidly and honestly with a side of love is more than necessary these days..IF “we” don’t get it together as a whole I fear what the future holds..The crab in the barrel sydrome has got to cease. How about reaching back to help one another also WIN? In doing so we ourselves win..and that is part of what my heartfelt mission is. I’m a people-lover. We weren’t created to exist on an island. Each one, teach one…


Really want to hear your innermost thoughts so talk to me..