Posted in @Cultural, Things That Make U Say Hmmmm@, ^^Thought Provoking^^

“`Why I am BLACK..Not African-American“`

English: African American History
English: African American History (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Disclaimer: Please read what I’m saying before assuming what I’m saying. I’m not saying I am not in love with my African roots nor am I saying I don’t love that I was born American. I love that both of those things are FACTUAL. Understand also that we all have opinions N are entitled to them. When we don’t agree its perfectly fine to agree 2 disagree. I wrote what I’m going to share in   response  to a very well written piece(from a blogger on this site)  on this very topic. It is a controversial topic yet not one that I fear opening for dialogue. So feel free to read with an open mind & ears N lets rap..

*Whats in a name? Some might ask that question but I don’t. Lets see if I can properly express how I feel about being “labeled” either Black or African-American.
What is IT with our country having to label folks anyway?!? Shouldn’t it be a personal choice? Why can’t we put OTHER as I’ve seen “others” allowed to do? Others that don’t exactly fit to a T the multiple choice slots on all the forms WE have to fill out in this lifetime…What about the situations folks that are White yet from Africa fall into? Are THEY African-American when they become American citizens? I actually meant a guy that fit that case scenario; he was a coworker . Awesome guy and we had conversation after conversation over this exact subject matter. Interesting to say the least!

Personally? I identify with my BLACKness before any other title/label I hold. When my feet hit the floor in the morning & I look in the mirror the 1st thing I see N know I am is BLACK. N I loveeeeee that I was created in the image of Jesus.(another topic for another time..) There is nothing else I’d rather have been created as..God makes NO mistakes. But I digress..

Some in the generations behind me feel that its oldskool to want to be labeled as Black. I figure we’re all entitled to our opinion..and I’m open to dialogue with anyone who can properly argue their points. But at the beginning and end of the day aren’t we all still..Black? A point those in favor of the African – American label make is that to NOT use the term is to deny our tie to the motherland. Africa…Hmmmm. Really??? I’d like to take a poll to see how many Blacks a/k/a African-Americans truly know a thing about their roots! Where they hail from in Africa? Where there ancestors first landed in America? How they acquired their birth surname…was it acquired from their slave master? Should the name @ African-American be carried by folks who have NO clue where they come from? Must I be labeled with the term African-American to be a PROUD Black Sista? I think NOT. And who is the infamous “they” that gets to determine how I’m going to be labeled anyway? Shouldn’t I have a VOTE in what I’m going to be labeled? In my life journey I’ve gone from Negro to Afro-American to BLACK to African-American..heck its surprising I’m NOT confused my own dang self about my..identity! And yet we sit back N wonder why generations behind us are out of touch with who they ARE.

I am BLACK. I am American. Period. Exclamation point. When 1st I wake I’m a BLACK woman/daughter/sister/ that order. Every single day of my 49 yr old life. That is who I am. Regardless of who feels they have the right to “label” me it won’t change who I am. And I sincerely hope that is how more folks , BLACK folks, begin to look at it. And NOT let such topics further divide US…I love people. All people from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds. I just happen to be part of a bloodline of the very 1st line of people on Earth. How could one not be extremely proud about that?**

>In summation when WE(or anyone actually..) let “others” define who WE are & then re-define(or place a title on..) over N over N over again is NO small wonder some  in my generation and many in those behind my generation..have lost sight of WHO they are. Or least that is the way I see it.<

Wishing all that read this love, joy and peace. Stay UPlifted & blessed. 4ever sincere, Berna(the 1 N only)

10 thoughts on ““`Why I am BLACK..Not African-American“`

  1. Hmmmmm. I have read it and thought about it a few times and my thoughts are these. I honestly don’t take issue with either title. They both have their origins and purposes. I am Black – obviously. I am of African descent. My negro, colored, black father served this country in WWII in the Navy. My negro, colored, black grandfather (mother’s father) was rumored to be from somewhere in Haiti or the Dominican Republic. Both clearly of African descent. My point is that with knowing and living through some of the stuggles of previous generations and movements, the call for unity (as I see it) led some to turn to the “mother-land” and embrace the culture of it and educate themselves of it. While I myself may not have trod those lands, it is in my DNA. As more and more of those from those lands came to this country freely to study and work and live, an effort was made to establish brother and sisterhood and thus maybe the coming of the term “African American.” Maybe that is an afront to them who are of the land/continent. I think ultimately whatever we call ourselves has meaning or significance based on what we do with it. It means little or nothing to the coming generations because sadly most of us haven’t done a damned thing with it.


    1. ** While I myself may not have trod those lands, it is in my DNA. As more and more of those from those lands came to this country freely to study and work and live, an effort was made to establish brother and sisterhood and thus maybe the coming of the term “African American…

      I really like the ‘it is in my DNA phrase’..alot. And though I’m not exactly sure what the “root” intent was in the label African-American..your theory sounds as good as any. I guess…But then again I think one of my biggest contentions with the A.A. label/term is was it a. a term decided for us and then some agreed to it? b. a term Black leaders suggested to the infamous “they”..Yep, obviously I’m not sure of the origin of all..My fault for not having done research, yet, to find out. However, I think my biggest issue with having been labeled thus far(in this lifetime anyway) Negro, Afro-American, Black, African-American IS whats next??? What if next is to be labeled the “UNcool color”?!? That is far fetched I know but it has got to stop somewhere. My biggest issue is that “I” have NO say-so in what I’m going to be labeled as regarding this topic. I just don’t think thats cool. Or better yet then give “US” a multiple choice selection on forms. Or as I said before allow US to select other. Those of Mexican descent in our country are “allowed” to select “White” and Latino/or Hispanic descent..yep! And who knows mayhaps they take issue with having to do that..As long as race is still an issue in our country, which it IS, great numbers of people of color will feel uncomfortable with the aforementioned labels. Or least thats the way I see it…


  2. Great question! So are we talking north, south, east, west, or central Africa? Africa after all is a continent and extremely culturally diverse at that.

    During undergrad, I remember there being tension between blacks from different parts of the world: the African continent, Caribbean islands, USA… I found this especially surprising because before then, I’d never imagined there were hierarchies of blackness! But I do appreciate your point of Africa being a continent with people of diverse ethnicities: white, black, Arabic, Indian…


    1. **Hey Sis, waving! Always a pleasure to see/read you…I’m very happy you’ve contributed here. Responded to this topic on another blog & next thing you know I’m knee deep in IT. I’m eager to read/see ‘veryproundtobe’s response to your questions. I’ve got a feeling this is going to be even better than I could’ve anticipated. Learning from both of you…


  3. ha ha, very very interesting post,

    You see, i am black and born in Africa… so i am African, period,.

    Then we have black people born here in America , to parents also born and raised in America, , whose roots and cultures are here, and to me this people are Americans not African Americans!!!!

    Anyone born to a country , is a citizen of that country, and only in American do we come to learn and find this other little, mind.. blowing labels, Black America, Italian American , Polish American and blah blah blah….., what is this really?

    I have never seen a nation that takes pride in freedom and unity but yet divides its self with little unnecessary self proclaimed titles … why?

    I also find this ridiculous because as you have said, most of this people have never had anything to do with their supposedly ” mother motherlands”.

    I have met a lot of people that have proclaimed with pride that they are African Americans. The first question i always pose is…” Which country are you from in Africa? ” Trust me… they stretch their heads and actually do think of Africa as a country rather than a continent…

    Not sure if this is plain ignorance, stupidity, , or politics..But why would one want to associate with a culture and continent that they have no idea of ??????

    And as to why every black person is assumed to be from Africa. again, blows my mind.There are black people that are not Africans all over the world, and another point you made is, we have white Africans. Yes we do , but very rarely does this ignorant world we live in , ever even consider , unless if one announces them selves as such… which again for some reasons some find it as cool and somehow enigma rather than roots and pride and origin…

    “Some in the generations behind me feel that its oldskool to want to be labeled as Black ”

    Wow!!! What a shame to run away from Owns skin color ??? Simply to inherit the term American OR which ever country one is in….?

    Of course they are Americans since they were born here but to run away from the fact that they a black without the ” American ” part is almost refusing and denying ones identity…

    At the end of the day, , as an African i find it hard to understand why black folks here are called African Americans, they are simply not africans BUT Americans………period…….


    1. ** did I get so lucky to have someone born in Africa to respond to THIS of all topics?!? Gotta love IT and I do…So much, very much I’ve got to say regarding your response and I shall soon as I get settled in for the day. Which won’t be soon enough LOL Doing a quick favor for a friend of mine who is waiting on me; but sooooon as I return from her house I’ll respond in full. Again, I’m honored you’ve not only read what I’ve written but also responded. Your response is simply..priceless.


    2. **I’m finally back…Several of your points I’m going to hit on to further elaborate on how I feel about this topic. Btw again I thank you for your frankness and believe it or not I’m sure those reading learned quite a thing or two from what you wrote. That fact inofitself pleases me and makes me feel good I posted this on my page here. Moreso for the youth I’m hoping that still have an “open” mind and soak info up like sponges; I truly hope some of them are reading. So buckle UP cause not sure where my thoughts will flow with this one…

      >”Anyone born to a country , is a citizen of that country, and only in American do we come to learn and find this other little, mind.. blowing labels, Black America, Italian American , Polish American and blah blah blah….., what is this really?

      I have never seen a nation that takes pride in freedom and unity but yet divides its self with little unnecessary self proclaimed titles … why?”“Wow!!! What a shame to run away from Owns skin color ??? Simply to inherit the term American OR which ever country one is in….? “>

      You said a mouthful right here…And you’re absolutely right @ it is a crying shame. But it isn’t all the fault of the generations behind me. Not at all. For youth are TAUGHT or NOT taught things. And sometimes some of the biggest lessons taught aren’t taught with words; they’re taught with actions. Seeing is believing…And it would certainly take me all night to talk about the things todays youth are “seeing” from their Black elders/Black leaders..This is yet another long topic for another time.

      The term being BLACK used to have such positive vibes! Black pride still rings in my ears..I was young but I never, ever forgot it. A time when wearing natural hair@afros’ was cool and hip. A time when I knew without a doubt my parents’ trusted friends had the permission of my parents to verbally discipline me IF they saw me messing up(but I was such a obedient child that never happened LOL sounds funny but its true) A time when granted life was simpler but also UNITY existed even though we had far less than we do these days..Yep, I’m oldskool till the day I leave this earth N I’m not ashamed to say I miss those times. How do we get that back? I honestly am not sure…What I do know is hopefully forums like this can help to open communication lines so we can figure it out..2gether. Can’t get anywhere without taking the 1st step


    3. **I’m going to try this one “mo gain! First part of my reply didn’t print and I don’t know why..nor am I going to try to figure it out. Just going to re-do.

      You said@””Anyone born to a country , is a citizen of that country, and only in American do we come to learn and find this other little, mind.. blowing labels, Black America, Italian American , Polish American and blah blah blah….., what is this really?”

      *You’re absolutely correct. And I wish with all my heart I could answer that question. I wonder the very same thing..Mayhaps its part of a design to continue division. Hmmm. IF so then mission accomplished! And here is another question. Why can’t we all just be..Americans? I wonder sometimes what people from other countries think about this(amongst other things..) and I thank you for providing me with questions from your perspective. @being born in Africa. Can you imagine if you have those questions how it feeeeels to have been born during a time when I could live to see 4 different titles labeling ME? Without me having a say-so in the matter at all? Without me knowing for certain the logical reason why..As an adult I figured out there is NO logical reason why. I’ve come to the conclusion that just mayhaps it is done simply to cause confusion N division…Real talk. NO other folks in America have had that many titles in a lifetime..Correct me if I’m wrong. To top things off WE can’t even stop the in-fighting over this topic to even STOP to think it out and figure that out. I refuse to be called African American. I got off the “name train” @ Black. Black is where its at. anybody here remember that?? Black IS beautiful. Remember that one? Why does one loving who they are and professing self pride cause so much fear?!? Hmmmmmm. I can guess the answer to that one but I’ll leave that for another time..


  4. **@veryproudtobe..You’ve paid me the HIGHEST compliment I could receive as a very new WordPress blogger/aspiring writer/poet by giving me a “like”..Especially for a piece on this sensitive subject matter. I’m humbled by my growing follower list and I welcome you to my little spot in the virtual world. Headed to church but will for sure stop by your spot this afternoon. Look forwarding to reading you as well…Stay UPlifted & blessed:)


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